ABOUT us /

We partner with you to unlock the true value hidden in your data to inform decisions and build products

meet samuylov ai /

Together, we bring to the table experience from startup, academic and corporate environments

SamuylovAI was established in 2021 in Zürich, Switzerland. Since then, we have evolved into a fully remote, self-founded consulting agency with a team working from all over the world.

At our core, we are passionate about combining user-focused design and data-driven approach to facilitate progress and incite change.

We offer services to design and create data-driven, user-centric solutions for companies (1) looking to stay ahead of the competition by unlocking the full potential of their data, (2) but having trouble figuring out the most effective way to reach their goals.

our team /

We solve your problems based on our diverse expertise by minimising risks and optimising your costs

Denis Samuylov

With over 12 years of practical experience in data-driven product development across startup, academic, and corporate settings, Denis possesses a unique interdisciplinary background that enables him to understand both business and technical requirements, ensuring alignment among all relevant stakeholders. Passionate about tackling complex challenges that may initially seem impossible to solve, he delivers innovative solutions and helps clients achieve their goals.

Anton Elovikov

Anton is dedicated to revolutionise user experience in industries that have been historically resistant to change. He focuses on aviation, credit and tax management, and production dashboards. He utilise his unique experience and know-how to craft balanced and scalable design infrastructure that aligns with business objectives and fosters growth.



Days in operation. SamuylovAI delivers high quality services from the first day of its foundation on 27 August 2021.



3 month – av. delivery time per project. We work fast and flexible to ensure quick launch and outstanding results quality.



Projects per client. Each client returns back to Samuylov.ai to start another project together.

Our values /

We believe in synergy

SamuylovAI values collaboration and trust – prioritising client interests is at the heart of how we build long-lasting relationships.


Bursting the Technology Bubble

We continuously explore and integrate emerging technologies. While we embrace modern approaches, we also draw from our rich past experiences to ensure that we remain at the forefront of innovation and deliver unparalleled solutions.


Challenging the Status Quo

We aren't content with just following the industry standards. Our team constantly challenges existing paradigms, always seeking ways to innovate and push boundaries for better outcomes for our clients.


Implementing industry Best Practices

Dedicated to excellence, we're always in tune with the latest industry standards and best practices. This ensures that the solutions we deliver are not just contemporary but also tried, tested, and reliable.

Get in touch

Don't hesitate to take the next step towards your data-driven future

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